Stop what you’re doing immediately and go to the store and get the items to make this. Like, now. This is a concoction we thought up after gallon bags full of leftover Christmas ham. First, spend a ton of time making the OFD Farm Honey Mustard Glazed Ham Recipe.

Now wait a few days until you cannot possibly eat one more piece of cold ham. For us, that was 72 hrs because we love cold ham. Now, make this sandwich and thank me later.

Two slices of bread
Two slices of swish cheese
Two thinly sliced pieces of green apple
Two pieces of OFD Farm bacon
A good sized chunk of your leftover OFD Farm ham
Terrapin Ridge Farms Hot Pepper Bacon Jelly - no, I do not make a dime on that link. I will not ever recommend some thing that I make money to do so. I just really love this product.
Garlic powder

Melt your butter just a tiny bit, and sprinkle in a very small amount of garlic powder. Put that concoction on the outside of both pieces of bread.
Fry up two pieces of bacon.
Spread a fair amount of the jelly on the inside of both pieces o
Snap the bacon in half and put all four pieces on top of one side of bread, on top of the jelly.
Lay one slice of Swiss down.
Put your ham down.
Lay the other slice of Swiss down.
Put your apples on.
Put the other piece of bread on.
Fry in preferably cast iron to your grilled preference.

Enjoy and thank me!