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Exciting New Information About 2022 OFD Farm Pork!

Writer's picture: Brooke L., Chaos CoordinatorBrooke L., Chaos Coordinator

First, I know this looks like a lot of words, but we promise you it's worth the read, it's legitimately a six min. read. You've wasted six mins. of your life doing dumber things.

As we end what was not the most amazing year there ever was for most people, we at OFD Farm couldn't feel more blessed. We sold more pork than we ever have before (100+ hogs), grew our business, and were able to make some big changes that resulted in us being able to implement some money and time saving strategies that will only improve things for you, our amazing customers! And we able to keep our prices the EXACT SAME AS 2021! But the growth that happened in 2021, doesn't hold a candle to what you will see in 2022! So... ready to hear it? 'Cause we can't contain ourselves any longer! The changes you will see in 2022 are as follows:

  • We will continue to be a bit more calculated with when we open up pork sales, to ensure we always have safe homes for any piggos we take on. that will mean 40 pigs butchered in March/April 2022, and then intermitant sales of smaller litters throughout the year potentially as our pigs continue to birth (but that is never a for sure)

  • Speaking of 40 pigs, why 40? Well, due to wanting to focus on continuing to build our own stock, we have decided to enter into a partnership with a nationally recognized breeder for our purebred Berkshire pigs. This breeder out of Oklaholma will be bringing these pigs directly to OFD Farm, where they will finish out their lives. 40 pigs is the most that they can bring in a trailer load. "But, didn't you say you had 100+ customers in 2021? Won't you blow through 40 pigs on the first day orders are open (which" I mean, sure, probably, so I'd get your order in NOW!

  • Because we are partnering with this breeder, we can guarantee a more consistent pig to our customers, and as a result will be promising all hogs purchased will be no smaller than 250 lbs. live weight, and be thee highest quality pork you can obtain.

  • Moving right along to weight, like we mentioned, we will be making a 2022 guarantee to send no pigs smaller than 290 lbs. to butcher, which will then result in a hanging weight of around 210 lbs. This is the weight that you will be charged by the butcher for processing. It is important to note however that 210 lbs. hanging weight does not equal 210 lbs. of meat. Industry standard is typically 150 lbs. of commercial cuts from 210 lbs. of hanging weight, depending on the cuts you choose. Therefore, you can plan on roughly 150 lbs. of meat in your freezer for a whole hog purchase, keeping in mind, boneless cuts weigh less, smoking shrinks meat, etc.

  • As previous customers know, in the past we have charged a flat rate, upfront fee. Honestly, it was the only way that we could do it being that we were a one family, first generation farm consisting of two people who work full time outside of the farm. However, due to those of you who put your trust in us over the last few years, we will be making a change in 2022 that we think you will really like, pricing by the pound! A whole hog in 2022 will cost $4.50/lb. hanging weight + processing, and $5/lb. of hanging weight + processing for a half hog (which is the exact same price you paid in 2021)!

  • The way cost is calculated isn't the only change that will improve the value for you as the customer however. The way that it is collected is also changing! We will be moving towards collecting $356.50 for a whole and $178.25 for a half at the time of order, and the remainder once your pig is dropped off at the butcher and the weight of your specific meat is determined. Changing to collecting the remainder at butcher ensures that we know how much your meat weighs, making sure you only pay for exactly what you get!

  • But that's not all, do you feel like you're on a game show yet? We will no longer be rolling in the cost of processing into our fee. Although this may feel like a pain in the butt, trust us, it is more fair to you and results in again, you paying for only your personalized cuts. Processing fresh cuts will be done by Rob at the Bear's Den in Saginaw, and you will pay for your processing ($.80lb. + $75 for a whole slaughter and $5 for a boxing fee) at pick up from him, which is about a week after drop off. If you choose to have any of your cuts smoked, that will be done by Stokke's in Cloquet and you will pay them for that ($1.25/lb. for hams, $1.75/lb for bacon and $1/lb for sausage) at pick up, which is usually three to four weeks after drop off. Although this format of payment does take away some of our ability to be flexible with when your payments are due, it does spread your payments out nicely so that the entirety isn't all due at one time.

  • We are offering a $25 - half/$50 - whole discount on all pork orders for previous customers and "Front Line Workers." As way for us to say thank you to police, fire, EMS, teachers, healthcare workers, grocers, etc., etc., etc. 2021 has been rough, your pork prices shouldn't be! All discounts will be taken off your final invoice.

  • Everyone who orders a whole hog in 2021 will receive a CT's Revival BBQ essential gift box which includes all three of CT's original sauces, along with his secret recipe rub, a $32 value, on us!

Whew! We think that covers the changes for 2022, but what is staying the same?

  • We are still committed to offering 100% purebred Berkshire pork. For more information on why Berkshire pork is not commercial pork, see our blog post entitled "What's the Big Deal About Berkshire Pork?" There's more than we can cover here about why this is pork unlike anything you've ever tasted. With partnering with this new breeder, we are able to control everything about the way your pig is raised down to the pH level in the ground they're raised on!

  • What if I am not close to the butcher/meat market? No problem! We will absolutely work with you to get your order paid for and picked up by us! We will still be offering delivery for a small fee for all orders along the 35 South corridor from Duluth, MN to Waseca, MN. Although it may take a little coordinating of schedules, we can almost always get your order to you within a couple weeks of it being done, no matter where you're located on that route. We just ask that if you are local to the Twin Ports, that you pick up your order directly from the butcher if possible as we don't always have the ability to store large amounts of meat for everyone.

  • One of our favorite changes in 2020 was switching all our feed to Widdes Farm and Feed Supply in Esko, MN. We are still able to obtain the higher protein, feed that we have come to love for our piggies to keep them growing strong, but now able to get it at a much more reasonable price due to purchasing a bulk grain feeder here at the farm. This change was what enabled us to keep our zero price increase for the year.

  • The only thing we were more excited about than the bulk feeder was the implementation of our new personalized cut sheets! We will continue allowing you to choose exactly how you want your pork processed according to what cuts of meat your family enjoys. This is an electronic form you will be sent within the last month before butcher, so that you can provide the butcher with feedback on how you would like things done.

*DEEP BREATHS* Ok, so that was probably more than you ever wanted to know about pork, but man... $700+ dollars is a lot of money, we want you to go into this purchase feeling like you are informed and it's a good decision for your family! If you have any other questions, or there's anything else that we can help you with, feel free to drop us an email at and we will try our best to get you answers!

As always, we cannot thank you enough for continuing to trust us for the protein needs of your family! We pride ourselves on being a high welfare farm and love these animals right up to the point where they're on your plate! Thank you for choosing us to do so.


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